palmetto bug
Palmetto Bug
“Palmetto bug” another name for several of our larger roach species in Florida that finds its way into your home. One of the more of 50 species of roaches that live in the state, all but one (the German roach) prefers to live in areas of high heat and humidity. The larger cockroaches are the American, Australian, brown, and the smoky brown, these are 1 1/4″ – 2″ long and are often called palmetto bugs.
Occasionally, while exploring for food, water, to mate, or because of extreme weather conditions they may find their way inside our homes, the problem they face is that they will die within about 72 hours if they can’t get out. Unless they find a place inside your home that has high heat and humidity). Outdoor cockroaches do not survive well indoors, and many times people overreact to the presence of these cockroaches.
Occasionally, while exploring for food, water, to mate, or because of extreme weather conditions they may find their way inside our homes, the problem they face is that they will die within about 72 hours if they can’t get out. Unless they find a place inside your home that has high heat and humidity). Outdoor cockroaches do not survive well indoors, and many times people overreact to the presence of these cockroaches.
we have the solution
Our PRO SERVICE Expert Technician will design a program specific to your needs since every case is different. Treating for palmetto bugs is an ongoing treatment that involves different strategies and it is seldom a one-time solution. We will work diligently to bring a positive resolution to your problem, and we will “Surpass Your Expectations”
Our PRO SERVICE Expert Technician will design a program specific to your needs since every case is different. Treating for palmetto bugs is an ongoing treatment that involves different strategies and it is seldom a one-time solution. We will work diligently to bring a positive resolution to your problem, and we will “Surpass Your Expectations”